Helicopter Engineering & Maintenance Specialists
Kelly & Jason Buick
Brothers Kelly & Jason Buick have 60 years combined experience in the utility helicopter industry, their experience and knowledge is unmatched and they are recognised internationally.
Kelly & Jason own HSI's sister company HeliSupport NZ Ltd, one of NZ's leading helicopter engineering companies.
HeliSupport NZ is one of only two AIRBUS Certified Maintenance Centres in New Zealand and is the only SAFRAN Helicopter Engines Distributer/Maintenance Centre based in NZ.

Antarctic & Remote Area Flying Expert
Lee Armstrong
Lee Armstrong is HSI's Operations Manager and Chief Pilot with 22 years flying commercially in the helicopter industry.
Lee has logged over 7,000 hours of commercial flying.
His passion for aviation has seen him working throughout South East Asia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and many parts of the Antarctic continent.
Safety Systems Manager
Grant Stewart
Grant holds our CAA Senior Person role of Safety Systems Manager. Grant comes from a military engineering background with the Royal New Zealand Airforce.
He has over 6500 hours of fixed wing flying experience, mainly around the mountainous terrain of South Westland, New Zealand. Grant also holds a Commercial Pilots Licence and Instrument Rating in the United States where he flew extensively around the Pacific Northwest, based in Seattle.
He has an Undergraduate Degree in Education and Post Graduate in Aviation Human Factors from the prestigious University of New South Wales.